Htaccess Redirect Generator

1. Select redirect type

2. Enter your domain name

Do not include www. Domain name only - e.g.

3. Get your code

4. Copy the code to your .htaccess file

About Htaccess Redirect Generator


Shine Well's Htaccess Redirect Generator Tool is a user-friendly tool for easily handling website redirects. Htaccess files are critical components of Apache web servers, allowing administrators to control numerous elements of site behavior, including redirection. However, manually altering these files can be time-consuming and error-prone, particularly for persons lacking extensive technical expertise. Shine Well's Htaccess Redirect Generator Tool makes this process easier by providing a user-friendly interface via which users can enter their redirection requirements without having to deal with the difficulties of writing code. Users can easily construct 301, 302, and other types of redirects by giving the source and target URLs. Furthermore, the tool allows you to customize redirection depending on certain parameters like query strings. Whether you're rebuilding your website or installing temporary redirects, Shine Well's tool makes the process easier for users of all skill levels.